Friday, July 19, 2013

Proper Watering Tips

Below are some watering tips to keep your grass green and your plants alive with color. 

How much should you be watering? A lawn requires about an inch of water per week. As for the gardens it will depend on what types of plants you have, so remember to research the needs of your plants before watering. Always remember not to do a week’s worth of watering all at once; the ground won’t be able to absorb it fast enough. During typical weather infrequent deep watering is ideal. During very hot days like the ones we have been experiencing more frequent deep watering is recommended for both plants and turf to prevent stress from developing. 

The best time to water is early in the morning. This allows the water to soak in fully without evaporating due to the sun; watering at night may increase problems with various diseases on plants and turf. We are currently seeing a lot of disease development on turf so if at all possible watering in the morning is ideal. If watering at night is your only option you need to monitor for disease development on both your turf and plants. 

As always if you have any questions for us please don’t hesitate to ask!